
Tuesday, October 13, 2009


This will be a slow slow slow weekdays to me.
He's going back.
Back to his hometown,hence we're being apart,physically.

Well,this is the 2nd day and i have another 4days to see u again.
you know what, me and ur kid ms.lao da have to find something to do,divert attention from you and keep ourselves ongoing.

Then,Lao Da throw me a sudden question.
"Mummy,what do you think about babii? What type of mankind he is?"

Hmm...Below are my answer my dear.

He's demanding,but not restricting.
Demanding me to rest early before 12am,
Demanding me to bath before having meals,
Demanding me to shut off games and movies and go to bed,
Demanding me not to have icy drinks too often,
Demanding me not to pointing food menu with restaurant chopstick~! :p

He'd just merely demand, but never urge or restrict me for any of the above.

You are the kind who wish to manipulate between both of us, don't you?
Because you enjoy to carry up the responsibility and dignify of being the man in family.
Indeed,you're definitely allowing me to pursuit my dreams, go ahead for my very own life.
You support in every of my decisions,
perhaps it's because of you are loving me,and not fixing me.

1 comment:

  1. 老大,爸比很想念你哦!


